Dale of Norway’s latest English-text Baby Book #270 is live on the Kidsknits.com site now. (Actually, it comes with both English and Norwegian instructions!) It has a nice selection of sweet, little projects, and many of them look as though they’d be quite easy to knit. Many are new, but some are reprisals of old favorites. Let me show you some of my favorites from the book:
This is a reprised design, the old Hjerter, #1007, knit in Baby Ull. Click here to see several projects in this design on Ravelry. That photo makes me chuckle! Don’t you just want to scoop that grumpy little fellow up and give him a big hug?! He could give Grumpy Cat a run for the money! Thankfully, it looks like he cheered up once they found him a friend and dressed him in this cute little colorwork set:
This colorwork set that dear Mr. Grumpypants is wearing is actually a reprised version of a design from good old Dale Book #164. It’s also knit in Baby Ull. Check out the Ravelry page to see it done in several different colorways. Personally, I LOVE the other new colorway, below, which they show for this same set in Book 270:
There are also several very sweet SIMPLE outfits! Here are a couple to consider; there are several more in the book:
Some of the designs use Lerke, Freestyle, Gullfasan, Alpakka and more!
Phil finally got a chance to put this sweet Baby Book #270 up on our Kidsknits.com site over the weekend. Actually, we’ve had #270 books here for a couple of months now, but you know how well best intentions work, amidst the maelstrom of daily life. Moral of the story: If you don’t see what you want, “Ask, ask, ask!” Questions? Post ’em here, or email me (Mary Ann Stephens) at mas “AT” kidsknits “DOT” com, or if you’re in the US, call the toll-free number, 877-631-3031 (Eastern time). Happy knitting!